The basic principle of the OKKULO® system
‘Seeing Movement in the Dark’, is where it all started. Reading the white paper on humans’ perception of the world and the delay in visual processing under certain conditions sparked something, which crystallised into OKKULO, the system that enables us to manipulate the perception of time for athletes. WIRED magazine describes it as “TIME TRAVEL FOR ATHLETES”.
Understanding the science enabled us to tap into the visual system, using the eyes as the doorway to the brain, to maximise performance and improve athletes like never before by slowing their game down, with objective, science based technology.
Extract from the science paper that started it all……
Our visual world is greatly reduced at night. Spatial and temporal resolution are poor, contrast sensitivity is diminished, and colour vision is totally absent, as rod photoreceptors are used rather than the cone photoreceptors that operate during the day. Many aspects of rod vision, including spectral, contrast and flicker sensitivity, have been studied in detail, but motion perception has been largely ignored. We find that motion perception using rods is impaired, with moving objects appearing to be slower than they are during cone vision.
Built on groundbreaking research, OKKULO® unlocks four precise light levels that elevate visual, cognitive, and physical performance—setting a new standard for human potential in sport and beyond.
OKKULO® trains specialised cells in the retina called RODS and CONES, they detect light and convert it into visual signals the brain uses for vision. They normally work independently for light or dark settings. Training in OKKULO® allows them to work simultaneously, creating a powerful override of visual pathways. This is the key to a biological change and the primer for performance gains.
In essence, the OKKULO® lighting conditions take advantage of biological processes in the eyes and brain that delay our perception under reduced illumination. Sports training under such conditions requires a speeding up of response times that translates into improved performance that could be the difference between “what if” and delivered results.
We manipulate the speed of perception within the visual system, using specific ambient light levels. Sounds counter intuitive but it's far from that. We can speed up and slow down the athletes perception of their game.
We manipulate the ROD and CONE function. This promotes the visual system to over perform.
The athlete adapts to the ambient light levels very quickly within the first three minutes.
With training - 30 minutes per week - adaptive plasticity occurs and the athlete is heightened to normal playing conditions.
Their game feels slower and they have improved perception of the world.
Slowing down the perception of time.
We can manipulate the athletes view of the world by slowing down or speeding up their perception. We do so over a range of 4 different ambient light levels.
The brain re-wires on multiple levels and allow the athlete to function significantly better when placed back in normal light levels.
Feel free to get in contact with us to see how we can help improve your performance.